If you don’t like how something is being handled and you aren’t in a position of power or influence, how do you change it? The answer is simple, put those in power in a position where they eventually have no other option but to reconsider or change it. In other words, strike until you can’t strike no more!
The primary goal of any organized strike is to gain awareness for a particular cause and to create a platform that will allow protesters voices to be heard. Considering that governments and large business entities primarily hold the power and decision making in today’s society, it can
be difficult to get a strikes message across to those in the position to make meaningful changes.
The most time efficient strategy to having your message acknowledged during a strike is to recruit as many protesters possible in order to gain the numbers advantage. The frustrating problem for many attending these organized strikes revolves around the fact that only those with a microphone can successfully deliver their message across the loud roar of the crowd.
The solution to this problem? Signs! The most efficient advertisements are those that immediately catch the consumer’s attention, considering that receiving attention is the number one goal of most protesters, the creativity and effort behind many protester signs would give even the best marketing agency a run for their money.
During September 20th - 27th, over 7.6 million people spread throughout 185 countries participated in a Climate Strike aimed at persuading the people in power to make political, social and economic changes that focus on conserving and protecting our worlds environment (1). The strikes were a complete success as they generated increased awareness and put the important topic of environmental sustainability in the global spotlight where it should remain.
Although the climate strikes recent success was an accumulation of millions of protester efforts working in tandem, the following home-made signs stood out above the rest in terms of efficiency, effort and creativity thus making our hard to crack list of the Top 10 signs during the Climate Strike:
The issue of environmental sustainability is the first impending problem that mankind must work together in harmony in order to come to a successful solution and make permanent changes. The magnitude of these strikes prove that the public will no longer put up with their voice being ignored. It is imperative that citizens across the world continue to put constant pressure on global leaders and leverage the momentum that they have created behind their recent environmental campaign.
In order to find out how you can help continue to make a difference, visit https://globalclimatestrike.net/ and start making positive change in the world today!
I like these signs because it inspires me, I really like the drake one. I love the creativity also!
I like all of the signs and the meaningful messages they give to our world leaders to do something about Climate change
I liked this one because there are people trying to save our planet from climate change. The people who are doing the protest are letting people speak out so that everyone can hear.
me personal i liked the drake poster "us going to school" or "fighting for our future" it is so inspirational
Love seeing the creativity and power of these posters! You have inspired students at my school to create their own!✊🏽